Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Video of Baghdad Church Massacre Protest Shows Assyrian Anguish, Anger, Resolve

Chicago (AINA) -- The protest held in Chicago on November 8 against the Baghdad church massacre, which killed 58 Catholic Assyrians, brought out the anger, anguish and resolve of the Assyrians.
As 58 protesters lay on the ground, symbolizing those killed in Our Lady of Deliverance Church on October 31, a keener begins wailing, asking for salvation from the Lord, saying "Oh Lord Christ save us." Anguish overcomes most of the demonstrators as they look upon those lying on the ground and they begin to cry. Some even implore the actors to get up.
A young woman, Rita Jacob, who lost four friends in the church massacre, is called to the podium to speak, but she cannot hold back her tears, and she rips the paper on which she had written her prepared speech and simply says " we need a bigger wake up call than this?" and "please stop the pain."
A man shouts in anger "Jesus is the God of Muhammad!" and the organizer, Waleeta Canon, admonishes him, telling him they are here to remember the fallen, and not to endanger those back home, and asks the Chicago police to remove him if he does not remain silent.
The Black March from Shlumps Productions on Vimeo The protest in Chicago was one of twenty held worldwide on that day by Assyrians (AINA 11-10-20 { .

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