Sunday, December 19, 2010

Islamic Leaders Spreading Hatred in Pakistan
The madness of Islamization in Pakistan is clear for all to see but of course for Muslims who despise all forms of freedom it appears to be a battle to outdo each other in their hatred towards non-Muslims. Any decent society would be ashamed to kill a person over alleged comments about a religious figure. However, blasphemy against Mohammed can mean death in Pakistan and for many Muslim religious leaders they desire the blood of innocents. Therefore, some Islamic leaders are not content with institutional hatred within the legal system of Pakistan because a number of Muslim leaders and organizations in Pakistan are demanding that a Christian lady should be killed and that people who defend her should also be threatened by the vile blasphemy law. In the non-Muslim world we have countless apologists who claim that Islam means peace, however, in the real world we know that this is not only a blatant lie but it is a dangerous and calculated fabrication. It is, therefore, essential that the truth is told because the hatred we see in the mainly Muslim world is consistent with the hatred that Mohammed taught his followers. This hatred is not only spilling the blood of non-Muslims but it is devouring innocent Muslims also and tens of thousands of women have been killed in silence because of so-called "honor killings" whereby the Muslim legal system in many nations does nothing but cover up this vile crime against humanity. In the modern world Hindus are persecuted and marginalized in Bangladesh, Kashmir, and Pakistan because of widespread hatred within the Muslim community towards the followers of the Hindu faith. In Somalia all converts to Christianity face death and Somali Muslims are also targeting converts to Christianity within their community in Northern Kenya. At the same time Coptic Christians suffer daily in Egypt and Christians and other minorities are routinely killed and persecuted in Iraq. The list is endless because Sikhs and Ahmadiyya Muslims also suffer in Pakistan alongside Christians and Hindus. Meanwhile in Afghanistan all those trillions of dollars are doing nothing because converts from Islam to Christianity face death and this Islamic madness is ongoing. Agenzie Fides ( reports that "It promises to be a difficult Christmas for the Christian community in Pakistan. An alliance among radical Islamic groups -- which includes religious parties, Islamic movements, organizations allied with terrorist groups -- has called a large mass national demonstration entitled Namos-e-risalat, that is, defending the honour of the Prophet Muhammad on 24 December, after Friday prayers, to say "no" to the release of Asia Bibi and any changes to the blasphemy law. The alliance has called on the "ummah" (Islamic community) in all the world, demanding universal support in the defence of the Prophet. Moreover, the radical leaders say: "Asia Bibi is a blasphemous woman and should be repudiated by Christians. Anyone who defends her, an ordinary citizen, politician or Minister, is guilty of blasphemy along with her." Therefore, far from being ashamed about wanting to kill an innocent Christian female in Pakistan it is clear that Islamic religious parties alongside their Muslim leaders desire to install even more fear and hatred. Knowing that December 25th is a special day for Catholic and Protestant Christians in Pakistan the leaders of hate are calling for mass demonstrations on Christmas Eve. Only recently a Christian evangelist called Pastor William Augustine was set on fire because he was trying to spread the Christian faith. This mentality within the Muslim community is rife in Pakistan and attacks like this are being done by normal Muslims and not religious fanatics because this fanaticism comes from within the Islamic faith. Mohammed himself supported the murder of all apostates and other brutal methods and because of this we have so many brutal attacks against religious minorities throughout the mainly Muslim world. Also, in the land of Mecca and Medina, not one single Hindu temple or Christian church is allowed and all apostates face death. However, little is being done about institutional Islamic hatred in Saudi Arabia just like little is being done in Pakistan. On the contrary, the religion of hate is spreading Islam in the non-Muslim world because of our open society and this applies to either Islamic radicalism, stealth jihad, or via Islamic kitman whereby Mohammed is transformed out of all recognition. Serge Trifkovic (Srdja Trifkovic) in his book called The Sword of the Prophet states that "Islam starts with a simple profession of a simple faith. It ends by demanding complete, total, absolute allegiance of each individual to Mohammed and his successors. Anything less is disbelief, punishable by eternal torment: "they can have no (real) Faith, until they make Thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions, but accept them with the fullest conviction." (Koran 4:65) Total control is claimed, over every aspect of public and private life. Islam is revolutionary in outlook, extremist in behavior, totalitarian in ambition." Serge Trifkovic continues by stating "The fruits of attempted escape from the shackles of natural morality are as predictable as they are grim, for the Muslims no less than for their victims: both are enslaved, brutalized, and dehumanized by Islam. The all-pervasive lack of freedom is the hallmark of the Muslim world...The fruits of Muhammad's adage that "only Muslims' blood is equal" is the curse that cannot be eradicated, short of a bold reform from within that seems no more likely today than at any time in the past 14 centuries" (Page 207-208 -- The Sword of the Prophet). Therefore, Christians, Hindus, and Sikhs are on the frontline in Pakistan and if an Islamic monoculture becomes a reality because of Islamic indoctrination, hatred, persecution and institutional hatred; then this will only encourage the followers of Islam to spread their hatred in non-Muslims lands. In truth, this is already happening because of Islamic kitman, demographics via Muslim immigration, stealth jihad, and huge financial backing from nations like Saudi Arabia. More alarming, apologists and liberals alike alongside national leaders who desire political capital are endangering the democratic world. This can be seen by the suicide attack in Sweden or by the increasing usage of Sharia Islamic law in the United Kingdom. The act in Sweden applies to militant Islam but stealth jihad and liberal versions of Islam alongside a demographic time-bomb are much more dangerous in the long run. The nation of Pakistan may seem far away but the ideological war of democracy versus Islamization and persecution hinges on the outcome of nations like Pakistan. If the democratic world refuses to stand-up to this Islamic onslaught which is devouring Hindus in Kashmir and religious minorities in Pakistan; then one day people in the democratic world may also be devoured.

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